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Our Core Values

Christ centred
Colossians 3:23
“Whatever you do whatever your task may be, work from the soul that is, put in your very best effort, as something done for the Lord and not for men”.
Everything we do at Deluscious starts from a place of love and service. Reflecting the love of Jesus Christ through the talents and abilities he has blessed us with is how we choose to operate. There are so many catering companies out there so when a client chooses us, we do not take this for granted. We want everyone we encounter to be blessed by our service and leave a positive lasting memory.

There is no catering company quite like us in the world, a bold statement we believe sets us apart from all others. We do not compete for work but rather focus on adding value to every person we can engage with. Our focus is to consistently deliver first class heartfelt service to each, and every client God brings our way.
Our foods represent a vast spectrum of cultures and ethnicities which make the world a beautiful place. Truly we want everyone we have the honour of working with to be blessed.

Family and Teamwork
Respect, honour, appreciation, and love are core values that make us who we are today. To create and maintain a healthy company every part of the team must work in unison and with mutual respect. Our vision is to always deliver excellence in our God given assignment.